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It’s been on such a knife-edge in the run up to it. We’ve been on tour with him longer than we’ve known him.įionn: Sitting here at the end of the tour its hard to believe we got it done, accomplished it all. Our drummer dropped out in December after the Irish tour and drummer Luke Bernie joined a month before the tour. Joe: We had no driver, our driver dropped out 5 weeks before the tour.

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What has been the most unexpected, surprising thing about your debut UK tour?įionn: Actually getting it done, actually being able to do it and finishing it. Once refreshments were secured and niceties exchanged, it was straight down to business. Along with Adam Cooper (bass) and Luke Beirne (drums), the FUR-piece have been around the UK, and I wanted to find out just how it all panned out. On completion of their first UK tour, I took the opportunity to talk to Joe McVeigh (guitarist) and Fionn Reilly (vocalist) in Glasgow after their support slot with Therapy?.

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From a DJ slot with Steve Lamacq at the 100 Club in London to accolades from the likes of Louder Than War, their brand of noise rock is generating plenty of attention. Belfast’s Enola Gay have already created a bit of a storm.

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